2 Years Ago Today

Today marks the 2 year anniversary of my son Christian’s accident. There are so many thoughts swirling around in my head, it’s hard to focus on any one thing. I guess the main feeling I’d like to share is how thankful I am to God for everything He has done to bless us.

I know that God does things in His own way, and there are many times that we don’t understand why or how, or what will happen. But this much I have learned: God puts specific people in our lives at specific moments, to accomplish His Will.

As I’ve been learning over the past 2 years, Christian’s resuscitation & recovery were nothing ordinary according medical science. While some may choose to believe that it was just luck, I’ve known it was a miracle all along.

I am so thankful that God put the paramedics where they were at the specific time they were needed. I am thankful that He guided their hearts & hands to make the choices they did with their techniques & procedures used. I am thankful for all of the LifeMed crew that flew Christian to the hospital. I am thankful for all of the doctors & nurses for all of their hard work & dedication in helping my son, and so many others.

Most of all, I am thankful for a God that hears & answers prayers. My God still does miracles!

Christian has made a complete recovery from what was an impossible situation. But then, all things are possible with God.










About Amber Lea

Life was meant for caring and sharing, and that's what I do best. My words are seldom polished or rehearsed, they come straight from the heart. For the past 20 years I have been in education and information services. In the last 3 years, I have been writing articles on Wordpress & Faithwriters. My first book, "Faith, Hope & Miracles" has been published and is now available on Amazon.com The faith that God has given me has changed my life. My goal as an author is share encouragement, faith & hope in God's great love. ("This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you". John 15:12) My son and I share a small log cabin in the mountains of Alaska with our 2 dogs and 3 cats. Our frequent visitors include moose, fox, bears, eagles and owls, and occasionally a human or two.

Posted on November 13, 2012, in Testimonies and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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